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    Deep Umbra: A Generative Approach for Sunlight Access Computation in Urban Spaces
    Kazi Shahrukh Omar, Gustavo Moreira, Daniel Hodczak, and 4 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2024


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    Crowdsourcing and Sidewalk Data: A Preliminary Study on the Trustworthiness of OpenStreetMap Data in the US
    Kazi Shahrukh Omar, Gustavo Moreira, Daniel Hodczak, and 2 more authors
    ASSETS UrbanAccess Workshop, 2022


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    Exploring tree-based machine learning methods to predict autism spectrum disorder
    Kazi Shahrukh Omar, Muhammad Nazrul Islam, and Nabila Shahnaz Khan
    In Neural Engineering Techniques for Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2021


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    A machine learning approach to predict autism spectrum disorder
    Kazi Shahrukh Omar, Prodipta Mondal, Nabila Shahnaz Khan, and 2 more authors
    In International conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering (ECCE), 2019
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    An intelligent assistive tool for alzheimer’s patient
    Kazi Shahrukh Omar, Afia Anjum, Tahrima Oannahary, and 7 more authors
    In International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT), 2019